Saturday, November 26, 2011

2700 yds

400 w/up
4x150  (100 Free build, 50 non-free faster)
5x100 (2 on 2:00, 1on 1:15, 2 on 2:00)
4x100 (2 on 2:00, 1 on 1:15, 1 on 2:00)
3x100 (1 on 2:00, 1 on 1:15, 1on 2:00)
2x100 (1 on 2:00, 1 on 1:15)
1x100 on 1:15
200 w/down

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving workout 2500 yds

Heidi's Thanksgiving Workout (everything was 24 laps)

600 w/up (200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull)
24x25 IMO
12x50 (4 stroke, 4 descend Free, 4 breathe 3, 5, 7, 9)
8x75 2 of each stroke
150 w/down

Saturday, November 19, 2011

2100 yds

300 w/up
2x200 (50 dolphin rotate kick, 50 Free, 50 non-free, 50 Free)
3x25 underwater swim
vertical kicking set
    3x 30 seconds kick, 15 seconds rest.   1. hands out  2. arms crossed  3. hands on head  4. streamline
75 easy swim
400 free, get time
2x200 Free (faster than previous 400)
4x100 (faster than previous 200's)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

2500 yds

Heidi's Workout

500 w/up
8x50 Free 10 sec. rest  2x no breathing, 4 x count strokes, 2 x no breathing
4x200 pull Free
8x50 Free 2x fist, 2 x head up, 2x catch-up drill, 2 x 6 kick swim
2x200 Free swim

Monday, November 14, 2011

2200 yds

Heidi's workout

500 warm-up
5x100 Free on 1:30
4x100 Free (25 kick on right, 25 kick on left, 25 right arm, 25 left arm)
4x100 IM kick
4x50 choice kick
100 w/down

2200 yards

400 Swim
300 Pull
200 Kick
100 Drill
6 x 100 (:15 rest
2/ 1:45 2/ 1:40 2/ 1:35
2/ 1:50 2/ 1:45 2/ 1:40
2/ 1:55 2/ 1:50 2/ 1:45
2/ 2:00 2/ 1:55 2/ 1:50
2/ 2:05 2/ 2:00 2/ 1:55
6 x 100 Pull (:15 rest 2/ easy 2/ med 2/ hard )

10 minutes practicing flip turns with and without paddles.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bountiful Swim Meet

Two of our swimmers competed at the South Davis Swim Meet on Friday and Saturday. Congratulations Chalece and Erin!

Results can be found at:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

3050 yds

Heidi's workout

500 w/up
8x75 (Back, Breast, Free)

5x   150 pull on 2:15
       2x50 sprint on 40
       2x25 non-free recovery on 30



Wednesday, November 2, 2011

3200 yds

Heidi's Workout

500 w/up
2x200 kick
5x200 pull Free
12x100 Free swim 4 on 1:30, 4 on 1:25, 4 on 1:20
100 easy

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

2850 yds

Anthony's Workout

500 w/up
300 Free
All pull and paddles
 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200,
200, 175, 150, 125, 100, 75, 50, 25

50 ez