Saturday, June 23, 2012

2600 +

15 minute warmup

We were the only people in the pool, so it was a great opportunity to do widths underwater :)

1 width underwater
2 widths
3 widths
2 widths but get out and dive back in
1 width

Swim the perimeter of the pool (again, just us in the pool) Mix in fly for the swimming

3x300 pull  
    1. 75 free, 25 back repeat 3x  
    2. 75 Free, 25 breast. Repeat 3x  
    3. all free 50 easy

Vertical kicking set. 30 sec. vertical kick, 15 sec. rest
   3x arms crossed, hands on head, streamline, use arms
   1. flutter  2. breast   3. choice

4x250 Free odds: 50 overkick, 50 swim normal kick, repeat 
                   events: 50 overpull, 50 swim normal, repeat 150 warmdown

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

2900 yds

4x200 w/up
  1. swim    2. 50 scull, 50 swim   3. 50 kick, 50 swim   4. swim
3x300 pull
   1. 75 free, 25 back repeat 3x
   2. 75 Free, 25 breast. Repeat 3x
   3. all free
50 easy
4x250 Free
  odds: 50 overkick, 50 swim normal kick, repeat
  events: 50 overpull, 50 swim normal, repeat

150 warmdown

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

2600 yds

Rachael's workout.

It was so nice to swim long course outside.

300 swim, 100 kick, repeat
6x50 count strokes
6x50 odds: sprint, evens: easy
200 pull
4x150 (50 Free, 50 IMO, 50 Free)
400 pull

Saturday, June 16, 2012

4300 yds

15 minutes warm-up (800)

100 Free, 200 IM, 300 pull, 200 IM, 100 Free
50 worst stroke, 100 best stroke, 150 (25 IMO, 25 Free), 200 Free, 150, 100, 50
25 kick, 50 swim, 75 kick, 100 swim, 100 swim, 75 kick, 50 swim, 25 kick
4x100 Free rotate a hard 25 through
400 pull (100 medium, 200 harder, 100 medium)
300 pull (100 medium, 100 harder, 100 medium)
200 pull (50 medium, 100 harder, 50 medium)
100 pull

Saturday, June 9, 2012

3800 yds

200 Swim, 200 kick, 200 pull

  1. Free
  2. 150 Free, 50 choice
  3. 100 Free, 100 choice
  4. 50 Free, 150 choice
  5. 200 choice

Repeat from the bottom. 5x200

5x100 Free
 1. 100 medium
 2. 75 medium, 25 fast
 3. 50 medium, 50 fast
 4. 25 medium, 75 fast
 5. fast

100 ez

5x100 choice
 same pattern

100 warm-down

Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Schedule starts June 11

The summer schedule starts on Monday, June 11. I'm really looking forward to swimming long course this summer.

INDOOR Master Swim
Monday and Wednesday        8:30-9:30p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday           6:30-8 am and 10-11am

OUTDOOR Master swim (at South County Outdoor Pool located at 12765 South 1125 West, Riverton, Utah 84065. Phone: 385-468-1340. website:
Mon and Wednesday               6:30-7:30am and 10-11am
Saturday                                   8-9:30 am
Saturday  iTri                            9-10am

There is also an informational flyer about the summer schedule at

I have received several emails about the cost to swim at the outdoor pool. If you have a Gold Access or a Platnum Access pass, then you can swim at the outdoor pool for free. If you have one of the other passes, then you will need to pay the entry free which is $3.25 a person for adults.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

4000 yds

300 Free, 200 kick, 200 pull
200 swim, but get out each 25 and dive back in
100 DPS
12x25 swim odds: 10 pop-ups, evens: 10 vertical jumps in shallow end
100 DPS
2x   2x150 swim or pull
       4x75 swim
       3x100 (1. medium, 2. 95% sprint 3. medium)
       200 recovery

1. Choice, but I would recommend Backstroke
2. Free

4x100 kick build

Friday, June 1, 2012

Great Salt Lake Clinic

Kris, Miles, and I went to the Great Salt Lake last night for a swim clinic. It was so much fun, although a bit on the salty side. We swam more than a mile and just enjoyed being outside in the water. The water was about 68 degrees and so it was warm enough to swim without a wetsuit.

June 9 is a one mile swim at GSL. There are still spots available if anyone is interested.