Saturday, September 29, 2012

4600 yds

5x200 SKIPS (swim, kick, IM, pull, swim)

3x500 (25 hd, 25 ez, 50 hd, 50 ez, 75 hd, 75 ez, 100 hd, 100 ez)

8x25 (odds: sprint, evens: ez)
7x50 pace
6x75 odds: Free, non-free, free  evens: free
5x100 Build within each 100

4x   25 underwater swim or kick
       25 No Breathing
       50 easy

200 warmdown

Saturday, September 22, 2012

4600 yds

500 w/up
8x75 odds: free swim, evens: choice 25 kick, 25 drill, 25 swim

300 pull Descend
200 kick 25 fast, 25 ez
100 IM Drill

300 kick
200 IM
100 pull

300 IM
200 pull
100 kick

10x50 odds: 50, evens: 100
200 DPS
8x50 odds: 45, evens: 1:00
200 DPS
6x50 odds: 40, evens: 1:00
200 DPS
4x50 choice
200 DPS
2x50 1. sprint from a dive 2. recovery

Monday, September 10, 2012

2400 yds

Heidi's Workout

600 w/up (200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull)

4x  4x25 Free on 25
      2x50 (1. 25 fly, 25 back 2. 25 breast, 25 Free)
      100 IM

2x  100 kick, 200 swim, 300 pull good effort  (ran out of time and only repeated this once)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

3700 yds

Jacqueline's workout

600 warmup

2x  300 pull
      3x100 swim
      300 pull
      4x75 kick
      300 pull
      6x50 sprint

100 warmdown

Saturday, September 1, 2012

3500 yds

400 warmup
2x300 (100 Free, 100 choice, 100 Free) (100 choice, 100 Free, 100 choice)
widths of the pool because we were the only ones there
2x100 (25 underwater, 75 swim)
10 minute kick set. NO STOPPING
100 easy
400 (4x100 IM)