Thursday, September 26, 2013

3200 yds

Gidi's workout

200 Free, 100 stroke, 200 free, 100 stroke w/up

6x75 rolling IM
200 Free swim

8x100 on 2:00 (75 medium Free, 25 IMO sprint)
200 Free, 175 kick, 150 Free, 125 kick, 100 free, 75 kick, 50 free, 25 kick, repeat from the 25 to the 200.

Monday, September 23, 2013

4500 yds

Gidi's workout

500 warmup

Something here

500 Free
2x400 Free
3x300 Free
4x200 Free
5x100 Free

200 warmdown

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2700 yds

Gidi's workout

500 warm-up
6x25 (heads up freestyle)
200 swim
6x25 drill
200 kick

500 for time on 8:00
400 on 6:30
300 on 5:00
200 on 3:00
100 fast (although, I was floating by this time)

Monday, September 16, 2013

2850 yds

Gidi's workout

500 warm-up

5x50 Free on 45
300 Free
6x25 kick
6x25 pull
5x25 sprint
300 Free fists drill
Waterpolo activity
50, 100, 150, 200, 200, 150, 100, 50 base time 30

Saturday, September 14, 2013

3300 yds

600 standard warm-up

6x75 odds: 25 kick, 25 drill, 25 swim
         evens: swim
300 swim or pull DPS
6x75 odds: 50 medium, 25 sprint
         evens: 25 medium, 25 sprint, 25 medium
300 (4x75 pattern 25 Free, 25 IMO, 25 Free)
           25 Free, 25 fly, 25 Free
           25 Free, 25 back, 25 free   etc.
6x75 odds: fast turns
         evens: 25 worst stroke, 50 best stroke
300 swim or pull
10 minutes to warm-down

Saturday, September 7, 2013

3600 yds

600 standard warm-up
4x75 swim

3x   300
                      1. 300 Free                    2. Choice                           3. Kick
                          200 kick                         IM                                    Choice
                          150 choice                     pull                                   IM
                          100 IM                           Free                                   pull
                          50  pull                          kick                                   Free

300 warm-down