Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2800 yds

500 w/up

2x   200 Free on 3:15
       4x50 (25 kick, 25 swim)
       2x100 IM Drill

1000 for time. Fastest was 13:12. This was modified for lanes (800 for time, 500 for time, 200 for time)

100 warmdown

Saturday, May 28, 2011

2200 yds

500 w/up

5x100 (25 dolphin kick on back, 25 worst stroke, 50 Free)

200 recovery
50 Free sprint on 45
150 recovery
50 Free sprint on 45
100 recovery
50 Free sprint on 45
50 Free sprint on 45
50 Free sprint on 45

100 easy swim

10 minutes for sprint 25's from a dive

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2800 yds

500 w/up

6x75 (25 swim, 25 kick, 25 swim)

600 pull and paddles (25 ez, 25 hd, 50 ez, 50 hd, 75 ez, 75 hd, 100 ez, 100 hd)
3x200 1 and 3 Free on 3:10 #2 was choice on 4:00
   1-3 choice on 2:00     4-6 free D4-6 on 1:30

50 warmdown

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 21, 1000 yds

2x   100 Free
       2x50 kick
       4x25 sprint
       100 swim

Butterfly technique day (This made my day. I love teaching and swimming butterfly)


Technique day.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2400 yds

400 Free (every 4th 25 is kick)
300 Free (every 3rd 25 is non-free)
200 Free (mix it up)
100 Free (no breathing in the flags)

2x10x50  (The intervals are designed for the fastest lane, modifications were made for other lanes)
  4 on 50
  3 on 45
  2 on 40
  25 to the other end
  1x50 all out sprint

50 easy

2x  50 medium swim Free
      2x25 all out sprint choice
      50 easy choice

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2800 yds

500 w/up

10x25 streamline to the center and then easy swim the rest of the way
 1. Free
 2. Free
 3. 100 Free, 50 Breast, 50 Free
 4. 50 Free, 50 Breast, 50 Back, 50 Free
 5. 200 IM
 6. 50 Free, 50 Breast, 50 Back, 50 Free
 7. 100 Free, 50 Breast, 50 Free
 8. Free
 9. Free

2x snake swim  (2x 125 yards)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

2500 yds +lazy river

Sorry, I spent the week in Florida. I am back now for the concievable future. No more trips for awhile.

500 w/up
4x125 odds: kick, evens: swim
500 Free (25 hard, 25 ez, 50 hard, 50 ez, 75 hard, 75 ez, 100 hard, 100 ez)
8x75 pull and paddles on 1:15 (25 ez, 25 medium, 25 hard)
200 free (breathe 3, 5, 7, 9, repeat)
8x25 underwater dolphin for as long as possible
2x swim lazy river

Thursday, May 5, 2011

2800 yards

10 minute warmup
300 (25 kick, 25 drill, 25 swim, repeat choice)
8x25 kick 1. kickboard normal 2. snowplow 3. tombstone 4. kick underwater with board, repeat

9x 50 start at 40 and add 5 seconds each round
    100 start at 2:00 and minus 5 seconds each round

100 easy

8x25 count strokes, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, hold that stroke count for the rest

50 warmdown

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Sat. May 14 St. George Ironman (Good luck Rory, Andrea, and Kyle)

Sat. 14 Moab Triathlon
Sat. 14th South Davis Splash N Sprint in Bountiful
Sat. 21: St. George Triathlon
Sat. 21: Women of Steel Triathlon (Good luck Courtnee, Rachael, Debbie, Karlee, and others)
  Let me know when you are racing.

June 4: Salem Spring Triathlon
June 4: Willard Bay Triathlon
June 11: Daybreak Triathlon
June 11: TriUtah Cache Valley Triathlon
June 11: Great Salt Lake Open Water Swim 1 mile and 8 mile swim
June 17: Lunatic Triathlon (Price)
June 16-18: Utah Summer Games Swim Meet http://www.utahsummergames.org/sports/swimming.html
June 18: Shark Attack Triathlon (Riverton)
June 18: Park City Triathlon
June 18: Utah Summer Games Triathlon (Olympic distance)
June 25: 5150 Provo Triathlon
June 25: Dino Tri (Vernal)

2500 yards

400 w/up (100 free, 50 kick, 50 non-free swim) repeat
300 (50 dolphin kick on back, 50 choice kick, 50 swim Free but emphasize the kick) repeat
13x50 Free
   2 on 55, 2 on 50, 2 on 45, 1 on 40, 2 on 45, 2 on 50, 2 on 55
75 easy swim
16x25 odds: Dive sprint    evens: ez recovery
200 free (50 drill of choice, 50 swim Free, repeat)
100 mid-pool to work on flipturns
12x25 choice on 30
50 warmdown

Yeah for sprinting and diving!