Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday Morning 7/30

300 Warm up
300 Free
3X100 Free Rest :15
200 Free
4X50 Free Rest :15
100 Free
2X50 Free Rest :10
100 Easy

Thursday, July 28, 2011

2800 yds

4x150 (100 swim, 50 kick)
5x100 (1. breathe every 3, 2. breathe every 5, 3. breathe every 7 4. breathe every 5 5. breathe every 3)
kick set
 25 sprint, 50 med, 75 sprint, 100 med, 100 med, 75 sprint, 50 med, 25 sprint
swim ladder
 50 Free, 100 IM, 150 Free, 200 IM, 200 Free, 150 Free, 100 Free, 50 Free
200 warm-down

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday Evening 7/27

10 Min. Snake Swim
4X25 Underwater Kick
10X100 5 Free/ 5 IM
10X75 5 Free/ 5 IM
10X50 5 Free/ 5 IM
10X25 5 Free/ 5 IM
100 Easy

2200 yds

500 w/up
300 pull Free D1-3 by 100
12x25 odds: underwater swimming, evens: sprint
200 pull Descend by 100's
6x50 (25 drill that emphasized a kick, 25 swim)
100 pull descend by 25's
4x100 IM

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

3000 yds

4x100 w/up
500 pull Descend by 100's
3x300 pull Descend by each 300
4x200 pull Descend by each 200 on 3:10
8x50 (4xfree D1-4, 4x choice D5-8) on 1:00

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Evening 7/25

300 Warm up
8X25 Kick
200 Free Even Pace
6X100 Free Every 4th IM Order
5X200 50 drill/100 swim/50 drill
100 Easy

Saturday, July 23, 2011

2500 yds

300 warmup
4x200 (100 free medium, 50 fast choice non-free, 50 Free medium)

3x 200 build Free
     100 fast Free

500 Free (odd 50 work on kicking, even 50 work on pull)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

3000 yds

200 Free
4x250 (100 free descend, 50 IMO, 100 free ascend) 1. 100 Free, 50 fly, 100 Free
10x100 pace freestyle
100 easy
4x75 rolling IM
150 w/down

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

2050 Yards (Wednesday Evening)

500 Warm up Stroke every 4th lap
8X50 From a dive 1st 4- descend 2nd 4- sprint

2X200 Pull
4X100 Sprint
2X50 Sprint with extra kick
2X50 Recovery

2X50 Underwater swim holding breath

50 Cool down

2500 yds

4x150 (2 Free, 2 IMO just drop the stroke you don't want to do)
10x100 pace on 1:45
100 easy
8x75 rolling IM

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2500 yds

10 minute warm-up
8x25 odds: non-free evens: free
20x25 kick (5x4x25) (1. normal kickboard, 2. snowplow, 3. tombstone 4. normal)
100 swim
300 Free, 200 IM, 100 choice, 100 choice, 200 IM, 300 Free

Monday, July 18, 2011

2100 Yards (Monday Evening)

500 Warm up Kick every 4th lap
500 Pull Alternate 100 smooth/100 hard
500 Swim 100 free/25 stroke
500 Kick with board
100 Warm down

2100 yds

200 yds warm-up
8x25 odds: non-free  evens: free
20x25 kick (5x4x25) (1. normal kickboard, 2. snowplow, 3. tombstone 4. normal)
100 swim
3x  200 build to sprint
      100 IM hard

4xmid-pool 25's sprint
100 warmdown

Friday, July 15, 2011

Blackridge Resevoir

Blackridge Resevoir is 71 degrees. The water is clear and the swimming is wonderful.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2050 Yards (Wednesday Evening)

300 Warm up
6X50 Ketch-up drill :15 rest
3X200 Odd pull/evens swim :30 rest
6X50 finger tip drag :15 rest
3X150 Odd pull/evens swim :30 rest
100 Easy

2600 yds

10 minute warm-up
12x25 1. kick, 2. drill 3. swim repeat
4x150 (50 free, 25 sprint Free, 50 Free, 25 sprint free)
8x75 get 5 seconds faster each time 4x Free, 4x choice
4x150 (50 free, 25 sprint choice, 50 Free, 25 sprint choice)
warm down

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

2900 yds

Same workout as yesterday with an additonal 50 thrown in. Sorry, Joel for the repeat.

Monday, July 11, 2011

1850 Yards (Monday Evening)

300 Warm up
8X50 Descend stroke :15 rest
4X150 100 swim/25 sprint kick/25 easy kick
6X75 Free/non-free/Free
100 Easy

2850 yds

10 minute warmup
6x50 (25 kick, 25 swim)
6x100 odds: Free easy evens: IM or non-free fast, all 100's on 1:45
4x200 odds: Free hard, evens: IM/non-free easy, all 200's on 4:00
2x300 pull Free (100 ez, 100 fast, 100 ez)
50 w/down

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sat. 2300 meters

10 minute warm-up
 6x50 choice (odds: 25 kick, 25 swim) (Evens: 25 drill, 25 swim)
3x300 on 5:00 get faster with each 300
5x100 pace. Hold the same interval the entire time.
10x25 sprint. 10 seconds rest between

We had a large group this morning. 20 swimmers came! It was wonderful. Please bring friends and family.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Blackridge Reservoir to open July 15. Yeah!!!! Finally.

The tentative plan is to get a group going on Tuesday evenings.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

2850 yds

4x150 w/up (50 Free, 50 choice, 50 Free)
10 minute kick set. Red light, green light on my whim
200 stretched out swim
10x  50 build to sprint on 1:00
        25 sprint on trailing
50 easy
4x200 Free pull on 3:00
3x50 easy swim. Forced warm-down

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday Evening 7/6/2011

A Workout

500 Warm up
300 Social Kick
6X75 Drill/Swim/Kick 1:20
4X200 Pull 3:15
400 Swim Descend
2X50 Non-Free :30
100 Easy


B Workout

300 Warm up
250 Social Kick
4X75 Drill/Swim/Kick :30 rest
5X100 Pull :20 rest
200 Swim
6X50 Non-Free
100 Easy


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

2500 yds

4x150 (1 and 3 Free, 2 and 4 choice)
12x25 (3x4x25 D1-4)
1x1000 for time :)
100 recovery
8x50 (sprint in the deep end, easy in the shallow)
100 w/down

Saturday, July 2, 2011

1500 meters

This was our first practice outside and it was wonderful.

300 w/up
6x50 (25 kick, 25 swim)
6x50 long streamlines and emphasize the reach
4x100 pace Free
200 hold that same pace

We had a group go on a bike ride and a few of us went on a run. Come and join our Saturday morning practices at South County.