Monday, April 6, 2015


Saturday, April 11 will be my last day coaching at JL Sorenson. After practice (6:30-8 a.m.) there will be a small party. I will bring something unhealthy, like doughnuts. Everyone is invited to come.

I will still be updating this blog with workouts.

I will very much miss seeing all of you at the gym. I have loved coaching for the last four years.

Monday, March 16, 2015

3400 yds

Monday Night Erin Coaching

Standard 600 yards

4x150 odds: Free   evens: choice

800 swim NO GEAR!!! (150 swim, 50 count strokes). Keep it long and stretched out

4x100 kick with fins

600 swim NO GEAR (same pattern)

4x100 kick with fins

200 warmdown

Saturday, March 14, 2015

4100 yds IM

Erin's workout

600 standard warm-up

2x150  (50 free, 50 choice, 50 free)  (50 choice, 50 free, 50 choice)

1x200 Free
2x175 IM (25 fly, 50 back, 75 breast, 25 free)
3x150 Free
4x125 double a stroke IM
5x100 pull Free
6x75 Rolling IM
7x50 Free odds: fast on 45, evens: recovery on 1:00
8x25 Ascend fast to slow

200 warmdown

Monday, March 2, 2015

2800 yds

600 standard warm-up

8x100  odds: 25 underwater, 75 rolling IM
            evens: 25 underwater, 75 free

3x300 odds: Free pull work turns
           evens: choice (kick)

400 swim

200 w/down

Monday, February 16, 2015

3300 yds

600 standard warmup

12x50 Free (2 medium DPS, 1 fast)

400 pull
4x125 (50 free, work the 50 backstroke, 25 free)
300 pull
3x100 pace
200 pull
200 IM or choice

200 warmdown

Lots of technique discussion tonight.

Monday, February 9, 2015

3900 yds

I subbed tonight

200 swim, 200  kick, 200 pull

2x  300        Round 1: Pull                      Round 2: 100 free, 100 choice, 100 free
      2x150    100 free, 50 worst stroke     IM, but drop a stroke
      3x100     Free pace                             Kick (10 fast kicks, 10 slow kicks)
      6x50     Choice D 1-3,4-6                  Free D 1-3, 4-6

25 underwater, 50 swim, 75 (25 underwater, 50 swim), 100 swim, 125 (100 swim, 25 under), 150 swim, 175 (125 swim, 25 under, 25 swim), 200 swim

Saturday, February 7, 2015

4000 yds

600 standard warm-up

4x250 odds: 100 free, 50 IMO, 100 IM or choice
           evens: 100 free, 50 IMO, 100 Free

4x25 Fly
4x200 Free (count strokes for a 50, -1, -1, -1)
4x25 Back
4x150 (100 free medium, 50 faster)
4x25 Breast
4x100 Pace
4x25 Free
4x50 Descend

200 warmdown

Monday, January 19, 2015

3100 yds

Coach Rachael

400 standard
400 pull
16x25 IMO
4x125 (25 sprint, 100 medium)
4x75 pull
8x25 from a dive
2x150 (breathe 3, 5, 7)
2x200 Free
200 w/down