Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2400 yds

Small group today. Only five.

10 minute warm-up

8x50 choice (25 kick, 25 drill)
4x100 Free 1. 25 sprint, 75 ez 2. 2nd 25 sprint (25 ez, 25 hard, 50 ez)  3. 3rd 25 sprint 4. 4th 25 sprint
4x100 same pattern only the easy was non-free
4x100 same pattern only the sprint was non-free
4x100 same pattern as the first one

100 w/down

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Free Swim Clinic at Stansbury Lake

There are 2 free swim clinics. The first is September 3 at 9 a.m. The second is September 7 at 5:30 pm

I'm going to the Sept. 3 clinic.


2100 yds

400 warm=up (50 Free, 50 choice)
12x25 odds: drill evens: swim
3x300 Free 1. swim 2. pull 3. pull      Emphasize the middle 100
5x100 odds: Free evens: Backstroke with effort :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday Evening 8/24

Today we did the same workout Erin gave to her 8/20 Saturday Class. I was itching to get in the water and do it with everyone. Only positive comments followed.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Evening 8/22

A: 500 warm up
400 free kick/swim/drill/swim
5X100 1:45
4X100 1:40
3X100 1:35
2X100 1:30
1X100 1:20
6X50 kick
100 easy

B: 500 warm up
400 free kick/swim/drill/swim
8X100 free 2 swim/2 pull repeat
6X50 kick
100 easy

Saturday, August 20, 2011

1700 yds+lazy river

500 warm-up

9x25 odds: underwater, evens: swim
Treading water set
  3x4x 30 sec. kick, 15 sec. rest

   1&3 Dive in every 25
   2&4 swim

Swim against the lazy river 2X

Thursday, August 18, 2011

3000 yds

10 minute warm-up

500 Free (25 ez, 25 hard, 50 ez, 50 hard, 75 ez, 75 hard, 100 ez, 100 hard)

    1. 100 Free
    2. 75 Free, 25 stroke
    3. 50 Free, 50 Stroke
    4. 25 Free, 75 stroke
    5. 100 stroke

300 Free (25 ez, 25 hard, 50 ez, 50 hard, 75 ez, 75 hard)

Fly technique

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday Evening - 9/17

Workout A
500 Warm up
400 Free kick/swim/drill/swim
5X100 1:45
4X100 1:40
3X100 1:35
2X100 1:30
1X100 1:20
6X50 Kick
100 Easy

Workout B
500 Warm up
400 Free kick/swim/drill/swim
8X100 Free 2 swim/2 pull repeat
6X50 Kick
100 Easy

2800 yds

10 minute warm-up

2x300 build each 100  1. Free 2. choice
5x100 IM kick 1&3 emphasize fly and breast 2&4 emphasize Back and Free 5 just kick :)
4x   4x25 IMO (3 drill, 1 swim) Ex. 4x25 Fly
       100 Free swim
2x200 IM  (25 fly, 25 Free, 25 Back, 25 Free, 25 Breast, 25 Free, 25 Free, 25 Free)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2700 yds

500 w/up
4x100 (2 free, 2 choice)

400 Free get your time. Descend by 100's
2x200 Free. Both are faster than the previous 400
4x100 Free on 1:45 All are faster than the previous 200's
8x50 Free Descend 1-4, 5-8
8x25 odds: dive sprint. evens: recovery

Monday, August 15, 2011

2700 yds

10 minute warm-up
4x100 swim (2 Free, 2 choice)
2x   200 Free
       2x100 IM
       4x50 choice build

25, 50, 75, 100, 100, 75, 50, 25 (25 and 75 kick, 50 and 100 swim)
100 w/down

Saturday Morning and Monday Evening Workout - 8/13 and 8/15

400 Warm up 25 kick/ 50 swim/ 25 non free
4X50 25 right arm/25 left arm
4X50 25 catch up/ 25 finger tip drag
4X50 25 heads up/ 25 6-3-6 drill (6 strokes 3 kicks 6 strokes)
4X50 25 fist/ 25 underwater
6X100 75 free/25 non-free
100 easy
4X100 pull 3/5/3/7 breathing pattern
100 easy

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2700 yds (Morning Swim)

500 w/up
2x200 Free swim
4x150 Free (100 medium, 50 fast)
4x25 sprint Free
4x150 (middle 50 was IMO) 1. Free, fly, free
4x25 sprint Free
4x150 D1-4

Wednesday Evening 8/10

No workout tonight. Pool closed because of broken pump.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

2500 yds

10 minute swim
2x  3x100 Free D1-3
      2x50 non-free Drill
      2x50 long streamlines

500 for time. Fastest was 6:15 (Go Chalece!)

50 easy

12x25 odds: underwater swim evens: choice swim

100 w/down

Monday Morning and Evening Workout

4X150 Warm up
300 50 drill/50 swim
6X100 3/5/3 breathing pattern
200 kick
8X50 Tennesee tumblers
6X50 Choice
100 Easy

Saturday, August 6, 2011

2200 yds

The pool was super over-chlorinated. Sorry that I made you keep swimming in it.

400 w/up
6x50 (25 drill, 25 swim)
10 minute swim Free. get your distance
100 build
10 minute swim Free. get your distance
100 build
Flipturn work

Thursday, August 4, 2011

?? better than nothing

The indoor pool has a leak and so we swam in the 18 yard lap swim pool. We even broke a lily pad. Oops.

100 w/up
6x50 obstacle course of lily pads (this is where one broke off)
200 (dive swim, 10 crunches, dive swim, 10 push-ups)
10x25 kick 1. snowplow 2. tombstone 3. normal
200 (25 underwater, 10 vertical leaps, 25 swim, 10 pop-ups)
widths. breathing and swimming
Flipturn practice

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday Evening 8/3

500 Warm up Kick every 4th
300 Free
3X100 Free
200 Free
4X50 Free
100 Kick
2X50 Kick
300 100 free/100 kick/100 choice
100 Easy

3000 yds

10 minute warmup
2x200 Free (50 Free, 100 build to sprint, 50 Free)
8x75 (kick, drill, swim by 25's) odds: Free, evens: stroke
2x200 Free (50 Free, 100 build to sprint non-free, 50 Free)
6x100 (1. build to sprint 2. ascend, repeat)
2x200 Free (50 free, 100 build to sprint choice, 50 Free)
Sprints from a dive

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Crazy workout day. 2000+

10 minute warmup
6x25 all out sprint. Change lanes as directed
2x25 Partner swim. One person is the legs, one is the arms.
5x200 Free (Descend 1-3, 4 ez, 5 sprint)
4x75 (25 easy, 25 sprint, 25 easy)
3xswim the lazy river

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday Evening

10 minute choice warm up
6X50 25 kick/25 swim
4X200 pull descend
4X50 25 sprint/25 easy
50 easy
2X200 swim
2X50 25 sprint/25 easy
50 easy
6X50 pull sprint
100 easy

2500 yds

500 w/up
12x25 odds: underwater swim, evens: build
400 pull
6x50 (25 kick drill, 25 swim)
300 pull
4x100 IM (1. sprint fly, 2. sprint back, 3. sprint Breast 4. sprint Free)
200 pull
4x25 easy