Tuesday, February 28, 2012

3600 yds

Jacqueline's morning workout

200 Free, 200kick, 200 pull

2x   4x25 kick
       4x50 drill
       4x75 (50 hard, 25 recovery)

2x   100 pull, 200 pull, 300 pull

8x50 choice D 1-4, 5-8

6x100 on 1:45

200 w.down

Saturday, February 25, 2012

4100 yds

4x200 SIPS (swim, IM, pull, swim)
8x25 kick on 30
100 easy Free

4x400 Free (2 Free, 2 pull) no breathing into and out of the flags

12x50 odds: easy on 1:00, evens: fast on 45
100 easy

4x150 Free swim or pull (50 medium, 50 fast, 50 medium)

100 w/down

Saturday, February 18, 2012

4000 yds

5x200 swim, kick, IM, pull, swim
4x250 (100 Free, 50 back kick, 100 Free)
4x25 Back
4x200 (50 Free, 100 IM, 50 Free)
4x25 Breast
4x100 (25 Free, 50 Breast, 25 Free)
4x25 worst stroke
4x50 Free
4x25 IMorder
200 warm-down

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

3000 yds

Dimple Dell Masters Workout (but it was a good workout)

200 swim, 400 drill w/up

4x300 Free (100 medium 100 fast, 100 medium)
400 pull
4x100 ALL OUT SPRINT!!!!! 1.30 rest between each one
200 ascend from sprinting
200 warmdown

Monday, February 13, 2012

4300 yds

Saturday practice 7-8:30.

600 w/up (200 free, 100 choice, repeat)

4x100 Free (25 left arm, 25 right arm, 25 fists, 25 swim)

Active Recovery set (Harder than it looks)
5x100 Free (2 on 2:00, 1 on 1:20, 2 on 2:00)  The fast two lanes did 2 on 1:30, 1 on 1:10, 2 on 1:30
4x100 Free (2 on 2:00, 1 on 1:20, 1 on 2:00)
3x100 Free (1 on 2:00, 1 on 1:20, 1 on 2:00)
2x100 (1 on 2:00, 1 on 1:20)
50 easy
1x100 on 1:20

5x200 Free pull 1. sprint first 50   2. sprint 2nd 50   3. sprint 3rd 50   4.sprint 4th 50   5. medium

50 easy

8x75 kick (4 rotate dolphin kick)  (4x choice kick)

100 warmdown

Great workout. I am glad that so many people stayed for the whole workout.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2600 yds

Heidi's Workout

400 w/up every 4th 25 kick
4x  25
100 easy
6x50 kick. Stop in the middle and do 5 vertical leaps
4x200         2 with paddles and fins, 2 with just fins

Saturday, February 4, 2012

3400 yds

600 warmup (200 Free, 100 choice, repeat)

50 choice, 100 Free, 150 choice, 200 Free (warm up set)

3x   2x100 IM on 1:45
       200 Free build on 3:00
       4x50 choice on 1:00 odds: fast, evens: recovery

2x200 pull Free
100  warm-down

Awesome workout today!

Friday, February 3, 2012

2800 yds

Swam on my own, but really liked my workout which is why I am posting it here.

600 w/up (200 Free, 100 back, repeat)
2x  25, 50, 75, 100, 100, 75, 50, 25
   1. IM order
   2. Free swim

2x 2x100 IM
     200 Free
     4x50 IM order (25 fast, 25 medium)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2000 yds

45 minute workout. Thursday nights are crowded.

400 w/up

5x200 Free
  1. swim
  2. 2x100 with 5 sec. rest between
  3. 4x50 with 5 sec. rest between
  4. 8x25 with 5 sec. rest between
  5. Fast

500 pull

100 warmdown

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2000 yds

Heidi's Workout

 3x150 w/up swim, kick, pull
5x100 Free on 1:30
5x75 rolling IM
5x50 Free on 50
5x25 dive sprint
4x swimming upriver in the lazy river (this really should count for 1000 yds). It is harder than it looks