Monday, December 15, 2014

4000 yds

600 standard warm-up

3x300  1 & 3 ( 100 free, 100 IM or stroke, 100 Free)
            2  & 4  Free (75 ez, 25 no breath) Hypoxic set :)

6x100 Free (2 med, 1 fast, 2 med)
4x100 (2 med, 1 fast, 1 med)
3x100 (1 med, 1 fast, 1 med)
2x100 (1 med, 1 fast)
30 sec. break
1x100 from a dive fast

200 warm-down

3600 yds

Subbing on Monday

600 standard warm-up

3x4x50 1. paddle drill 2. normal but work on head position 3. super catch up  4. normal but work on rotation

300 pull breathing by 50 3, 5, 7, 3, 9, 3
4x150 (100 free, 50 choice faster with a good turn)

300 pull breathing by 50 3, 5, 3, 7, 3, 5
4x100 odds: IM evens: free

300 pull breathing by 50 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9
4x50 (25 choice, 25 free)

300 warm-down

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Post Thanksgiving Workout

I am posting this several weeks after the fact and can't quite remember the whole thing. The main hard set was the following

Turducken is a Turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken. So, the main set was a Turducken

4 x 350 @ :30-:40 rest interval

  1. 100 Free, 50 breast, 50 back, 50 breast, 100 free
  2. 100 breast, 50 back, 50 fly, 50 back, 100 breast
  3. 100 back, 50 fly drill, 50 free, 50 fly drill, 100 back
  4. 100 fly drill, 50 breast, 50 back, 50 breast, 100 fly drill

Monday, November 10, 2014

3000 yds

Monday night Masters Swim with Rachael

200 free, 200 choice, 200 pull w/up

50 swim fast
100 kick
300 IM
400 (2x200 pull breathing 7, 5, 3, 3)
500 swim
400 same as before
300 same
100 same
50 same

200 warm-down

Saturday, November 8, 2014

4000 yds

400 free w/up

4x100 Free pace
4x75 (25 fly, 25 back, 25 breast)
4x50 kick (25 tombstone. In honor of Halloween, 25 normal)
4x25 No breathing

4x100 Free pace
3x150 (100 Free, 50 choice)
2x200 pull
1x300 IM

4x25 underwater
4x50 kick (25 snowplow, 25 normal)
4x75 choice
4x100 pace Free

Relays for fun!

At least a 100 warmdown

Monday, October 13, 2014

3000 yds

Rachael's workout

200 swim, 200 kick, 200 choice

3x300 1. (25 fast, 75 medium, repeat)  2. (50 fast, 50 medium, repeat) 3. (75 fast, 25 medium, repeat)
6x75 Rolling IM
3x200 (same pattern as the 300's)
6x50 odds: 25 fast, 25 easy  evens: DPS

100 warmdown

Saturday, October 11, 2014

3500 yds


400 kick

8x50 odds: IM evens: Free
400 pull (Descend within) Work turns
6x50  Work turns
100 easy
400 swim
8x50 From a DIVE (25 fast, 25 recovery)
400 choice Descend

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

3500 yds

Rachael's workout tonight

600 standard warm-up

4x100 Free (1and 3 are sprint)
200 pull (breathe 3, 5, 3, 5)

4x100 Breast (1 and 3 are sprint)
200 pull

4x100 Back (1 and 3 are sprint)
200 pull

4x100 Fly :)
200 pull

500 warmdown

Saturday, September 27, 2014

End of Summer Potluck

Our End of Summer Potluck will be held on Saturday, Sept. 27 at 5 pm at Erin's house (email me for address).  Families and children are invited. There will be prizes and awards for all swimmers (ie swim caps and other prizes). Everyone is invited whether you come to every Masters practice or we haven't seen you in a couple of years. Please bring something to share. I will provide a main course (let me know of any food allergies).


3600 yds

Saturday morning and I was actually on time (early even). That rarely happens :)

5x200 SKIPS (swim, kick, IM, pull, swim)

4x100 Free descend
200 kick (fast in area from flags to wall)

2x200 (100 medium, 50 fast, 50 medium)
200 kick (fast in middle area only)

4x100 IM or stroke or choice
200 kick dolphin

2x200 IM (fly, free, back, free, breast, free, free, free)
200 kick (5 kicks fast, 5 kicks slow)

200 warm-down

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

End of Summer Challenge Results

Congrats to everyone that participated in the Summer Swim Challenge. Several people were able to swim over 100 miles. Thank you to everyone that participated! (Let me know if I missed anyone)

100+ miles:

Becky D.

Shar G.

Erin J.

Shannon T.

Tom R.


50-90 miles:





Saturday, September 13, 2014

3600 yds

600 standard warm-up

3x   300
                       1. 300 Free                    2. Choice                           3. Kick
                           200 kick                         IM                                    Choice
                          3x100 choice                     pull                                   IM
                           4x50    IM                       Free                                   pull

Thursday, September 11, 2014

2700 meters

Steiner Masters (a ton of kicking. Shudder)

400 warm-up

4x100 Free Descend
200 kick

4x100 back Descend
200 kick

3x100 Breast Descend
200 kick

2x100 Fly Descend or don't die, whichever came first.
200 kick

200 warm-down

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

2800 meters

Steiner Masters

400 warm-up


1-3 Swim Descend
4-6 Roll 10 sec. break through (50 Free, 10 sec. break, 150 Free) etc.
7-9 IM or choice

8x25 under/over

200 warm-down

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

3500 yds


600 standard

500 Free swim
400 kick with fins
300 pull
200 IM
100 dolphin kick
200 choice drill
300 pull backstroke
400 kick with fins
500 swim Free

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

5100 yds

From Becky:

warm up 600 choice/200 kick
300 free every 3rd length free drill (touch or eleven, fist, fingertip drag, elbow)
300 free every 3rd length IM drill (single arm fly, 2 stroke back, 2 kicks 1 pull breast, kick and roll free)

1:5:5:1 pull ladder ( 1 length, 2 lengths,3 lengths, 4 lengths, 5 lengths, 5 lengths, 4 lengths, 3 lengths, 2 lengths, 1 length)

3X 300  200 free/100 build

1:5:5:1 kick with board , alternate flutter and dolphin-use fins!

3X300 (200 free (build within each 100)/25 free/25 choice/25 free/25 choice)

4X50 descend (first 50 fast, add 5 second each round)

100 cooldown

Monday, September 1, 2014

3000 meters

Masters at Steiner workout

400 warm-up

6x150 (odds: 25 kick, 25 drill in IM0) evens: Free build

20x100 pace

200 warm-down

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

3500 meters

Steiner Masters workout (This was a great way to feel exhausted in an hour). Steiner's long course pool is still open for the season. It is worth the drive :)

WU 400
4 X 150 (K 50 + S 100 Build) FR

S 400 FR Base
Recover 100
S 400 FR Broken @ 100 :05 Base
Recover 100
S 400 FR Broken @ 100 :10 Base
Recover 100
S 400 FR Broken @ 100 :15 Base
Recover 100
S 400 FR Broken @ 100 :20 Base
Recover 100

Monday, August 11, 2014

3200 yds

Rachael's Workout: Welcome to Masters coaching!

3x3x100 (100 swim, 100 kick, 100 drill)

8x50 on the following intervals :55, 50, 45, 40, 40, 45, 50, 55

100 back

3x200 Descend by 50's 30 sec. rest between each one

100 breast

400 IM

4x100 (50 kick, 50 swim)

300 pull

Saturday, August 9, 2014

3000 yds

Workout was only 7-8 a.m. this morning due to a swim meet

600 standard warm-up

500 pull or swim (100 DPS, 50 faster, repeat, 50 DPS)
2x200 1. IM 2. choice

400 pull (50 DPS, 50 faster)
2x150 1. IM drop a stroke    2. choice

300 pull (75 DPS, 25 sprint)
2x100 1. IM  2. choice

200 pull (25 DPS, 25 sprint)
2x50 1. choice 2. choice

100 ez

Friday, August 8, 2014

Deer Creek

Good luck Deer Creek Swimmers!

Mary  5k
Kris 5k
Whitney 10k

Sorry if I missed anyone else!

Monday, August 4, 2014

3000 yds

I was subbing.

600 standard warm-up

4x100 (50 underwater, 25 worst stroke, 25 best stroke)

2x    200 pull or swim
        175 IMO  (25 fly, 25 free, 25 back, 25 free, 25 breast, 25 free, 25 free)
        150  Dive in deep end (3xdives)
        125  IM double a stroke of your choosing
        100  Free sprint within flags
        75 kick with fins
        50 overkick with fins
        25 recovery

200 warm-down

Saturday, July 26, 2014

4450 yds

600 standard warm-up

1650 broken (4x100 pace, 2x200 with the second faster than the first, 400 descend by 100 pull, 4x100 pace, 50 ez)

1000 broken  (4x250 Free. (100 medium, 50 sprint, 100 medium)

2x500 pull (75 med, 25 fast)

200 w/down

Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer Swim Challenge

Just a reminder, the summer swim challenge is still going. We would love a few more people to join. It is free! Just keep track of how much you are swimming and record it in the following spreadsheet.

We are using Google Docs to track yardage. Just add your name and then add your yardage daily or weekly to the following document.
Just come and challenge yourself to swim more this summer than you have done before. We will also have a 100 mile Herriman Master’s t-shirt available for purchase( If you are interested in a T-shirt, email me back).
The Swimming Summer Challenge will run from June 1-September 13. On September 13, we will have a BBQ to celebrate our swimming successes and prizes will be given. So, come join us for this free Swimming Challenge.
Coach Becky and Erin

3000 meters

Steiner Masters Workout (Long Course)

400 warm-up
6x50 (odds: kick, drill)  evens: (drill, swim)

400, 300, 200, 100 Descend  Base: 1:50
300, 200, 100 Descend   Base: 140
200, 100 Descend Base: 1:30
100 all out sprint on 1:20

300 warmdown

Yep, not in shape for this :)

Monday, July 14, 2014

3000 meters

Steiner Workout today 12-1 pm

400 warm-up
6x100 odds: 50 kick, 50 drill   evens: 50 drill, 50 swim
6x50 (25 sprint, 25 ez) (25 ez, 25 sprint)

400 sprint (this killed me)
3x200 pace speed
4x100 sprint

300 warm-down

Saturday, July 12, 2014

3300 yds

600 standard warm-up

25, 50, 75, 100, 100, 75, 50, 25

3x   400
       4x50 Free on 45
        100 Ascend (start fast and get slower)

1rst round and 3rd round: 400 Free pull
2nd round: 400 IM

200 warmdown

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

2800 yds

Heidi's Workout

600 standard warmup

4x100 kick. One of each stroke
50 egg beater with hands out
4x100 (25 swim, 25 drill, 25 swim, 25 kick)
50 egg beater with hands out
2x400 pull

400 warmdown

Saturday, June 28, 2014

4000 yds

600 standard warm-up

8x50 Choice swim
4x250 Free
     The pattern :) 25 breathe every 5, 50 breathe every 4, 75 breathe every 3, 100 breathe every 2

6x50 Choice D 1-3, 4-6

5x100 (2 on 1:45, 1 on 1:20, 2 on 1:45)
4x100 (2 on 1:45, 1 on 1:20, 1 on 1:45)
3x100 (1 on 1:45, 1 on 1:20, 1 on 1:45)
2x100 (1: 20, 1:45)
1 minute rest
1x100 from a dive ALL OUT SPRINT

200 warmdown

Saturday, May 31, 2014

4000 yds

600 standard warm-up

2x250 IM double your favorite stroke
500 pull

2x200 IM (25 fly, 25 free, 25 back, 25 free, etc)
400 pull

2x150 (free, choice, free)
300 pull

2x100 IM
200 pull

2x50 choice
100 pull

400 warmdown

Saturday, May 24, 2014

4000 yds

600 w/up
100 free

4x200 (50 stroke, 150 Free) (50 free, 50 stroke, 100 free) (100 Free, 50stroke, 50 Free) (150 Free, 50 stroke)
50 ez

8x   50 Free start at 40 and add 5 sec. each round
       100 Free start at 2:00 and -5 sec. each round
        1. 50 free on 40, 100 free on 2:00  2. 50 free on 45, 100 free on 1:55  3. 50 free on 50  100 free on 1:50  etc

50 ez

8x50 (25 100% effort, 25 recovery)

600 pull DPS

200 w/down

Thursday, May 8, 2014

2500 meters

Steiner Outdoor pool is now open. I swam there on Thursday. I love long course swimming. :)

500 warm-up

10x100 (rotate a 25 stroke throughout). 100 free, (25 free, 25 breast, 50 free) (50 free, 25 back, 25 free) (75 free, 25 fly), repeat. Last two were all free

8x50 streamline back kick

8x50 odds: No breathing to the middle. evens: 25 easy, 25 overkick

2000 warmdown

Saturday, May 3, 2014

3800 yds

600 standard warm-up

400 swim (Descend within each 100)
4x50 on the fastest interval that you can make
200 free, get out and dive back in every time in the deep end

400 IM (50 drill stroke, 50 Free)
4x50 on same interval as before
200 free swim, 5 pop-ups on each end

400 pull
4x50 Free on same interval
200 Free swim with long (to the middle) streamlines

8x75 odds: Free, evens: IM/choice/free

200 warm-down

Monday, April 14, 2014

2800 yds

Heidi's Workout

600 warmup

12x50 odds: drill evens: kick

3x300 Free (25 tarzan, 125 free, repeat)
6x125 pull

Honestly, then we all just talked and left :) Unmotivated night for everyone.

Monday, April 7, 2014

3500 yds

Heidi's workout

600 standard warm-up

500 pull
2x250 swim
5x100 odds: IM evens: Free fast
10x50 odds: choice  evens: Free sprint

3x50 breast stroke kick
3x50 egg beater, hands out

10 minute spring relay

Saturday, April 5, 2014

4700 yds

4x200 (swim, kick, pull, swim)
4x150 Free (50 medium, 50 fast, 50 medium)
4x100 Free pace
4x75 rolling IM
4x50 odds: Free sprint, evens: recovery
4x25 underwater swim
4x50 odds: sprint evens: recovery
4x75 (50 free, 5 sec. rest, 25 sprint)
4x100 IM
4x150 swim
4x200 odds: IM evens: Free

Friday, March 14, 2014

3700 yds

Heidi's Workout

600 standard

10x50 odds: Free, evens: kick

3x150 free
3x100 stroke
3x75 free
3x25 stroke

2x150 pull
2x100 pull
2x75 pull
2x25 pull

1x150 free
1x100 stroke
1x75 free
1x25 stroke

12x25 odds: underwater kick evens: swim

200 w/down

Monday, March 10, 2014

3500 yds (kicking)

Heidi's workout

600 standard warm-up

5x100 pull Free

2x100 breast
2x100 back
2x50 fly drill
2x50 free
500 swim

2x100 flutter kick
2x100 dolphin kick
2x100 breast kick
3x50 whip kick with hands out

2x50 free
2x50 high elbows free
2x50 streamline kick on back
2x50 free

200 warmdown

Saturday, March 8, 2014

3000 yds

Only 1 hour due to a triathlon

600 standard warm-up

300 (100 DPS, 50 build, repeat)
3x100 pace

400 (100 free, 50 non-free, 50 free, repeat)
8x25 odds: 100% effort sprint, evens: ez

300 build within each 100
3x200 Free 1. 150 med, 50 fast) 2. 100 med, 50 fast, 50 med  3. 50 med, 50 fast, 100 med

300 warm-down

Monday, March 3, 2014

4100 yds

Becky's workout

600 warm-up (200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull)

8x50 2x (25 fly drill, 25 free) 2x (50 Free) repeat
200 pull
500 Free swim (every 4th 25 is fast)
100 kick fast

6x25 odds: Free, evens: non-free
200 pull
400 Free (every 4th 25 fast)
100 kick fast

4x25 odds: Free evens: underwater
200 pull
300 Free (every 4th 25 fast)
100 kick fast

2x25 Free sprint
200 pull
200 Free (every 4th 25 fast)
100 kick

200 warmdown

Monday, February 24, 2014

3800 yds

Heidi's workout

600 standard warm-up

8x50 (dolphin kick to middle, rest flutter kick)
10x50 Drill (2x breast drill, 2x fly drill, 2xhigh elbows free, 2x tap and slap, 2x streamline kick on back)

    4x 50 back, 50 free
    4x 50 breast, 50 back
    4x 50 free drill, 50 free swim
    4x 50 fly, 50 free

500 pull

200 warm-down

Saturday, February 8, 2014

4400 yds

600 standard warm-up

6x150 odds: 100 kick, 50 swim    evens: 100 drill, 50 swim

2x400 1. breathe by 50: 3, 5, 3 7, 3, 9, 3, 3     2. Swim or Pull
2x50 non-free swim

2x300  1. breathe by 50: 3, 5, 7, 9, 3. 3   2. swim or pull
2x75 (50 non-free, 25 free)

2x200   1. Breathe by 50: 3, 5, 3, 5    2. swim or pull
2x100   1. Breathe by 25: 3, 3, 11, 3  2. swim or pull

6x150 odds: free   evens: choice

Saturday, February 1, 2014

4400 yds

600 standard warm-up

2x300 Free  1. 150 long streams,  150 fast flipturns) 2. 100 Free, 50 build choice

100 IM Drill
4x100 Free slower pace    ex: 1:40

200 IM (Fly, Free, Back, Free, Breast, Free, Free, Free)
3x100 Free pace -5          ex: 1:35

300 IM (kick, drill, swim)
2x100 Free pace -10        ex: 1:30

400 (4x100 IM odds: Drill Fly and Breast  evens: Drill Back and Free)
1x100 Free pace -15        ex: 1:25

100 easy

600 pull (150 ez, 150 medium, 150 faster, 150 ez)

400 pull (Same pattern, by 100)

200 warm-down

Monday, January 27, 2014

4000 yds

600 standard warm-up

10x50 odds: kick, evens: swim

2x  300           1. pull       2. IM or choice
      2x150       1. Free Descend by 50        2. Fly, Free, Back, Free, Breast, Free
      3x100       1. Pace                                 2. IM or choice
      6x50          1. Free odds: sprint evens: recovery   2. odds: Free, evens: choice

4x75 (50 ez, 25 sprint)

200 warm-down

Monday, January 20, 2014

3700 yds

Heidi's Workout

600 standard warm-up

25 stroke
50 free
75 stroke
100 free
150 stroke
200 free
300 pull
500 swim
300 pull
200 free
150 stroke
100 free
75 stroke
50 free
25 stroke

6x100 (25 scull, 50 drill, 25 sprint)

200 warm-down

Saturday, January 18, 2014

3300 yds

Saturday workout was 7-8 a.m. because of the triathlon

600 standard warm-up

10x250 (This was a fun workout, right?)
Change free to IM and back to Free

1.. swim
2. 200 Free, 50 fast
3. 100 Free, 50 Breast, 100 Free
4. 50 Free, 50 Back, 50 Breast, 100 Free
5. 50 fly, 50 back, 50 breast, 100 free
6. same as 4
7. same as 3
8. same as 2
9. same as 1
10. warm-down with something

200 warm-down

Monday, January 13, 2014

3000 yds

Becky/Heidi workout

600 warm-up

4x150 (75 drill, 75 swim)

3x400 (200 pull, 125 build, 75 IM)

4x250 (50 drill, 50 sprint, 50 kick, 100 Free)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

4500 yds

600 warm up standard (200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull)

2x500 Free swim or pull (75 Build, 25 fast, repeat 5x)
4x25  odds: No Breathing evens: swim

2x400 (150 build, 50 recovery non-free, repeat)
4x50  odds: kick evens: swim

2x300 (75 medium, 75 fast, repeat)
4x25   odds: underwater, evens: swim

2x200 (Fly, Free, Back, Free, Breast, Free, Free, Free)
4x50   odds: fast evens: recovery with long streamlines

2x100  Free  D 1-2
4x25   non-free

2x50 Ascend
4x25  warm-down

Sunday, January 5, 2014

4000 yds

In honor of the new year (2014)

200x3 warm-up
0: 14x25 odds: No Breathing evens: Breathe as much as you want
100x4 IM or choice
400 x 2 Pull or swim (50 DPS, 50 work pull, 50 DPS, 50 build)

200 Descend by 50
175 DPS with long streamlines
150 Descend
125 DPS with long streamlines
100 Descend by 25's

Repeat 100, 125, 150, 175, 200

300 warm-down